romantic relationships in recovery

The process of recovery requires learning how to accept and go through the pain that life brings you. Part of this process is accepting that repairing the damage your addiction has done to your relationships will only happen gradually over time—based on what you do rather than what you say. The saying « actions speak louder than words » is especially accurate related to recovery. After completing addiction treatment, a healthy relationship with a friend, family member, or loved one can provide you with a source of encouragement and support.

Detox and Addiction During Pregnancy

Judy was identified as the person who over-functioned in their relationship. She took on most of the responsibilities, from managing finances to organizing household tasks. This behavior, as revealed through her family genogram, is traced back through at least three generations. Her mother and grandmother had similarly taken on excessive roles within their families, often at the expense of their well-being. This pattern conditioned Judy to believe taking charge was necessary for the family’s stability.

Dating distracts you from your main goal of discovering and defining your sober self.

romantic relationships in recovery

When people struggling with addiction are overprotected by their loved ones, they can’t experience the natural consequences of their actions. Some substances cause people to act irrationally or cruelly toward those around them. In some relationships that involve addiction, these behaviors escalate to verbal or physical abuse. It’s helpful to keep the focus on yourself and your sobriety goals at the beginning of recovery—before exploring the dating world again.

romantic relationships in recovery

The Pitfalls of Dating in Early Recovery

A relationship should complement your life, not serve as a crutch for unresolved issues. Engaging in a new romantic relationship can also introduce social and peer pressures that may not align with recovery goals. Your recovery, perhaps especially the first year of it, is about you. The things people seek out in a relationship—need fulfillment, emotional stability, security—are things that are important to find in yourself. Instead of seeking satisfaction from others, your time in treatment and recovery will help you be able to find that satisfaction within yourself. Increasingly, people in recovery are emerging from the shadows and throwing off the yoke of the stigma long attached to addiction.

Missing families’ parties, birthdays, holidays, performances or daily tasks like picking up the kids from school are sometimes skipped when a person is obtaining or using drugs. One of the most common side effects romantic relationships in recovery of substance dependence is changes in mood and behavior. While drugs offer a temporary high or relaxed attitude, the symptoms of withdrawal are much longer-lived, making for distressing interactions.

Social and Peer Pressure

One of the most often given – and least often listened to – pieces of advice given in recovery groups is to not get into romantic relationships in the first year of sobriety. The main reason usually given is that having a relationship this early on is a distraction from recovery and can easily lead to relapse. The beginning of a recovery process is all about learning a new way to live. This work involves learning new skills, practicing the disciplines needed for a new way of life, repairing relationships, seeking support from others in recovery, and more. You’re creating a healthy new version of yourself, your sober self.

Rosecrance Therapies: What’s Different About Rosecrance?

romantic relationships in recovery

After stopping drinking or using after a long time, you go through withdrawal. This lasts for a few days up till a couple of weeks and can come with some pretty horrific symptoms. After the acute withdrawal is over, though, you are not necessarily out of the woods. This is another, less intense but sometimes unpleasant period of withdrawal that lasts from a few months up to two years. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering original, truthful, accurate, unbiased, and medically current information.

Moving Toward Recovery: How Physical Activity Boosts Your Journey to Wellness

  • For example, you may have made a commitment to dinner plans, but searching for your next fix could cause you to cancel last minute.
  • You cannot be there for someone else if you are not there for yourself.
  • I want to move back home to be closer to my family who are my best support system right now.
  • To speak with an admissions specialist about our programs, contact us today.
  • People in addiction recovery can be addicted to many different things.
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